Open Stage / Interactive program

Please note: This is a wiki page - log yourself in (or create an account first), than edit this page directly to submit your lightning talk (don't remove any existing ones of course).

Open Stage Talks - Berlin Buzzwords

This year we have made more room for spontaneous talks that run in parallel to the regular schedule. Much like the Lightning talks in recent years those presentation slots are handed out on a first come first serve basis. Simply add your proposal to the list below - preferably into one of the open slots. Feel free to take two slots and merge them into one if you think you need more time for your presentation. Submitted talks are moderated by session chairs who will enforce the advertised slot lengths rigorously.

Note: In order to add topics you need to first create an account with our site and login - afterwards you can simply edit this page and add your proposal. The Open Stage will be public which means people who don't have a ticket for the conference have access to the stage. Also note that the Open Stage is a stage for Berlin Buzzwords attendees to get active. So unless explicitly communicated otherwise giving an Open Stage talk does not make you eligible for a complimentary full conference ticket.


When Who What
12:30 Marc Schwering What's new in MongoDB 2.4
14:00 Takeshi Nakano Attached realtime marketing platform
14:30 Sebastian Schelter & Kostas Tzoumas "How would Roman Generals do Data Mining?"
15:00 Guido Serra Operating a jeopardized global ecommerce infrastructure
15:30 Pieter Hintjens Git Without Branches - Simple, Smooth, Scalable
16:00 Torben Brodt, plista Hands on: Building a realtime recommender with Redis
16:30 Stefan Hoth OpenTechSchool - Changing the face of tech education with YOUR help
17:00 Thilo Fromm, ProfitBricks Live vertical scaling, today!
17:30 Michael Hausenblas Data Breaking Bad


When Who What
11:30 Christoph Goller The Typed Index
12:00 Pieter Hintjens Can You Crack It? - Secure messaging for the Internet Securing ZeroMQ, part 1
12:30 Pieter Hintjens Can You Crack It? - Secure messaging for the Internet Securing ZeroMQ, part 2
13:30 Matthias Bröcheler Titan: Distributed Graph Database How to scale real-time graph search
14:00 Marko Rodriguez Faunus: Graph Analytics Engine How to scale graph analytics with Hadoop
14:30 Martin Görner Google Cloud Platform - How to run your application at Google scale
15:00 Boaz Leskes Faceting analyzed fields with some sprinkles of probability theory to get Trending topic analysis and other interesting insights
15:30 Dave Kammeyer Numba: Compiling Numeric Python to Native Code for Speed and Scale
16:00 Adrien Grand How does Lucene store your data?
16:30 Stefan Hoth OpenTechSchool - Changing the face of tech education with YOUR help
17:00 F. Manfredi Furuholmen The OSD extension for openAFS
17:30 F. Manfredi Furuholmen RestFS the next generation Cloud Storage

Talk details